Tuesday 27 November 2012

Questionnaire and Results

This is the questionnaire that I sent out to help me create my film. I gave my questionnaire to 50 students and teachers at my college to get a different range of results. As I am going to create a horror film, I will based my questionnaire on horror films.

1. What gender are you?



2.      What is your age range?






3.      Do you like watching horror films?



4.      What gets you interested in a horror film?



Film Website

Film Magazine

Other people think the film is good


5.      Does the film trailer help you decide whether to watch the film?



6.      How long should a teaser trailer be?

20-30 seconds

30-40 seconds

40-50 seconds

50 seconds to a minute


7.      Do the actors in the film encourage you to watch it?



8.      Which two of the following,  encourages you the most to watch a film when watching the trailer?





After I had collected back all of the questionnaires that I had sent out, I made a few pie charts of the results so they would be clear and easy to analyse.

This pie chart is referring to the question; What gets you interested in a horror film?
As you can see from the pie chart, a majority of the people who answered the questionnaire thought that the trailer would get them interested in a film. Nobody thought that a film website would get them interested in a film, therefore I will not include a film website on the poster or trailer.

This pie chart refers to the question; Which two of the following, encourages you the most to watch a film when watching the trailer? This pie chart shows that half the people who answered the questionnaire, thought that the narrative in the trailer would encourage them. From this, I have decided to give my teaser trailer a strong narrative without giving too much away. Also, just over a quarter of the people I asked thought that the setting in the trailer would encourage them. In my teaser trailer, I will include a setting which is a typical horror film convention, but still an effective one like the woods to make my teaser trailer effective. Not many of the people I asked thought that the actors/actresses would encourage them to watch a film as they thought horror films seem more realistic with a less know actor/actress starring in them.

This pie chart refers to the question; How long should a teaser trailer be? As you can see from the results, most of the people I asked, thought a teaser trailer should be about 40-50 seconds. I assume this is because a teaser trailer shouldn't give too much away so it gets an audience interested.
This pie chart refers to the question; Do the actors in the film encourage you to watch it? As you can see from the results, the pie chart shows that most people thought the actors in a film does encourage them to watch a film. As I only have a very limited budget, I would not be able to afford a big actor/actress to star in my film, therefore, I will include actors/actresses that the audience can identify with, for example, someone who is the same age as my target audience. 



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