Tuesday 27 November 2012


The name of my film is called Hemlock. I have chosen this name as my film is related to the hemlock stone. My film is about a sixteen year old girl called Anna who wants to fit in with the rest of her friends. Anna has just turned sixteen. Anna's friend Anya, tells Anna about a girl 100 years ago who just turned sixteen. The story that is told is about a girl who just after her sixteenth birthday, visited the ancient Hemlock stone out of peer pressure. No one knows what happened to her after that day. Anna doesn't believe Anya's story as she is always doing practical jokes on her. Anya dares Anna to visit the Hemlock stone tonight. Anna is reluctant to go but gets peer pressured in to going. Anya and Anna visit the stone but nothing happens. The day after, Anna and Anya both experience supernatural occurrences. Anya confronts Anna about the occurrences but disbelieves her as she thinks it's Anya trying to play another practical joke. The next day, Anya confronts Anna again with research about the Hemlock stone confirming that the story could possibly be true. As Anna wants to fit in and no longer wants to be the shy and timid one, visits the Hemlock stone again, but this time, it was a lot different to their first visit...

My teaser trailer will be recognisable to the audience as a horror film as it contains the typical codes and conventions of a horror film. My film will contain typical horror film settings like the woods.

My plot relates to Todorov's theory as the equilibrium is Georgia turning sixteen and everything is how it should be. The disequilibrium is Anya's story and the supernatural occurrences. The recognition of the problem is the research that Anya finds. The resolution of the plot will not be discovered in my teaser trailer as it will also follow Barthe's Enigma code of displaying a puzzle to the audience which will want to find the answer to. It will also follow Levi-Strauss's theory of binary oppositions. The binary oppositions in my plot are normal vs supernatural. This will attract an audience as people like to see conflict between different people.

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